Center for Research on Collaboratories and Technology Enhanced Learning Communities

The Center for Research on Collaboratories and Technology Enhanced Learning Communities (COTELCO) is a joint research center of Syracuse University and American University. The center carries out research on socio-technical infrastructure, and geographically distributed teams. The research projects main focus on collaboration attempts between developing and develop countries.

Research Themes and Project

  1. Pawns to Partners Qualitative
  2. Pawns to Partners Quantitative
  3. Trans National Emerging Nations Dialogue (TRANSEND)
  4. CyberInfrastructure Facilitators
  5. Internet Governance
  1. Virtual Organizations as Sociotechnical Systems (VOSS)
  2. Burton Blatt Institute Collaboratories
  3. ASEAN Collaboratory Institute on Disability and Development
  1. WiGiT
  2. TANGO - Transnational NGO Initiative
  3. Going Global Locally
  4. Master EndNote Library and Refworks Distributed Database

Associated faculty

External links